Recording and Editing Notes

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Recording / Editing Notes

There are two ways of recording notes in Renoise:

  • Live Recording: Record what you are playing "live", as the song is playing back. This is how most sequencers record notes.
  • Step By Step: Enter and edit notes manually with the computer keyboard or a MIDI keyboard, step by step. This can be done while the song is stopped or while it's playing back.

Edit Mode

First, in order to be able to record anything, make sure that Edit Mode is enabled by pressing the "ESC" key on your keyboard. Alternatively, you can click the record button in the Transport Panel:

File:Vvoois renoise record mode2.png

The red border around the Pattern Editor indicates that Renoise is now in record mode.

File:Vvoois renoise record mode pattern editor.png

Live Recording

To record notes "live":

The played notes will now be recorded into the track at the current playback position in the Pattern Editor.

Tips: To enable Edit Mode and start playing with a single button press, you can also use the "RIGHT SHIFT" key. To just start playing, you can use either the "SPACEBAR" or "RIGHT CTRL". Pressing the "RIGHT ALT" key will start playing, but also with looping of the current pattern enabled.

Entering Notes Step By Step

To record notes step by step while playback is stopped:

  • Simply enter notes with Edit Mode enabled

To record notes step by step while the song is playing:

So to clarify, the Pattern Follow button File:Sato lesson-pattern-follow.png allows you to switch between the live recoding and step by step modes.

If you want to change the number of lines that are skipped down per note entered, use the Edit Step controls located at the bottom of the Pattern Editor:

File:Vvoois renoise editstep.png

Shortcuts: To quickly switch Pattern Follow ON and OFF you can use the "SCROLL LOCK" key. To quickly change the Edit Step value you can use "CTRL + 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0".

Real-time and Manual Quantization

When recording notes "live", they will by default be recorded with the highest possible precision using the Note Delay column in the Pattern Editor. The note delay column allows you to delay notes with a precision of 1/256th of a line.

If you don't want to precisely record your notes, you can let Renoise quantize them either in real-time or after recording something. This is done with the quantize controls in the Pattern Editor control bar:

File:Vvoois renoise pattern editor quantize.png

The "Q" button enables or disables live quantization, while the value box to the right specifies the quantization value in lines. Use the drop down menu next tot he value box to manually quantize a range within the current pattern after recording.

Polyphonic vs. Monophonic Recording

The chord mode button in the Pattern Editors transport bar allows you to toggle recording chords vs. sequential (File:Vvoois renoise pc keyjazz active.png).

Sequential (monophonic) recording can often be better when recording drums or when recording or monophonic instruments.

Entering Chords with the Computer Keyboard

When entering notes step by step with the computer keyboard, Renoise will by default place all notes sequentially. If you want to quickly insert chords without live recording, you can do this by holding down the LEFT SHIFT KEY while entering the notes. This will automatically switch to and create columns, thus place the hold down notes to create a chord. MIDI keyboards will always record chords when pressing more than one note at once.